Since the first reported outbreak in 2008, Bali has been grappling with a persistent rabies epidemic that poses significant risks to both human and animal health. The virus, primarily transmitted through dog bites, has led to numerous fatalities and widespread concern across the island.
Government Initiatives
In response to the outbreak, the Indonesian government implemented several key measures:
● Mass Dog Vaccination: Recognizing that culling was ineffective and often counterproductive, authorities shifted focus to vaccinating dogs. This strategy aimed to immunize at least 70% of the canine population to establish herd immunity.
● Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP): The government provided post-exposure rabies vaccines for humans (Verorab), administered according to World Health Organization guidelines, to manage and treat individuals bitten by potentially rabid animals.
● Diagnostic Facilities: With assistance from the Australian government, a direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) test was established at the Disease Investigation Center in Denpasar to improve rabies detection and surveillance.
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Organizational Support
Various organizations have played pivotal roles in supporting the government's efforts:
● Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): FAO provided technical assistance to coordinate rabies control programs, leading to a significant reduction in human rabies cases from eleven per month in 2010 to just one per month the following year.
● Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA): BAWA has been instrumental in conducting vaccination drives, educational campaigns, and providing medical care to affected animals, thereby enhancing community awareness and involvement in rabies prevention.
● Rabies Alert Team (TISIRA): Established in 2022, TISIRA operates at the village level, engaging local communities in monitoring and responding to rabies cases, reflecting a One Health approach that integrates human, animal, and environmental health efforts.
Ongoing Challenges and the Path Forward
Despite these concerted efforts, challenges persist. In 2022, Bali reported 22 human fatalities due to rabies and approximately 34,858 bite cases. Continuous collaboration between government entities, non-governmental organizations, and local communities remains crucial. Emphasizing mass dog vaccination, public education on responsible pet ownership, and prompt medical treatment for bite victims are essential strategies to control and eventually eradicate rabies from Bali.
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Through sustained and unified action, Bali aims to overcome the rabies epidemic, ensuring a safer environment for both its residents and animal companions. Join in spreading awareness and supporting rabies prevention efforts. Together, we can create a future where Bali is free from rabies, and all animals receive the care they deserve.
Mongrela’s Team
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